How can I create API keys for WooCommerce Authorization?

1. Log in to your WooCommerce admin panel

2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings

From the Wordpress Dashboard click on “WooCommerce” > “Settings” from the side bar

WooCommerce Settings

3. When in settings, click on “Advanced” and then “REST API”

WooCommerce API Settings

4. Generate new API key

Click the 'Add key' button, add a name for the generated key, select a user to be assigned to the key, select “Read/Write” for the permissions and then click “Generate API Key”

WooCommerce Generate API Key

5. Copy generated API keys

Your keys should now be generated and will be displayed as follows (make sure you copy them at this stage otherwise you will not be able to see them again). Both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret is required to authenticate WooCommerce in Spojit platform.

WooCommerce API Key

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